DK Super Readers: Level 1 Bilingual Explore the Coral Reef – Explora el arrecife de coral
Meet the sea creatures living on a coral reef! Make reading in English and Spanish your superpower with DK’s beautiful, leveled nonfiction. Use your bilingual reading superpowers to learn all about a beautiful coral reef and the sea animals living there – a high-quality, fun, nonfiction reader – carefully leveled to help children progress.
Explore the Coral Reef – Explora el arrecife de coral is a beautifully designed, 32 page reader in both English and Spanish all about the fish and other sea animals living on a coral reef.
The engaging text has been carefully leveled using Lexile so that children are set up to succeed. This is a motivating introduction to using essential nonfiction reading skills in Spanish and English.
Children will love to find out about the beautiful coral reef and all the sea animals that can be spotted on it.