Constructed for beginning readers, these twelve fully decodable books cover vowel digraphs. These books introduce one spelling for each of the vowel sounds.
Grades: K-2
Books: 12 Sold together as a complete set.
Skills Taught
- Book 1: spelling ‘ai’ for the sound /ae/
- Book 2: spelling ‘ee’ for the sound /ee/
- Book 3: spelling ‘oa’ for the sound /oa/
- Book 4: spelling ‘ur’ for the sound /er/
- Book 5: spelling ‘ea’ for the sound /e/ (head)
- Book 6: spelling ‘ow’ for the sound /ow/
- Book 7: spelling ‘oo’ for the sound /oo/ as in b’oo’t
- Book 8: spelling ‘igh’ for the sound /ie/
- Book 9: spelling ‘oo’ for the sound /oo/ as in l’oo’k
- Book 10: spelling ‘aw’ for the sound /aw/
- Book 11: spelling ‘oi’ for the sound /oi/
- Book 12: spelling ‘ar’ for the sound /ar/
Dandelion Readers Workbook – Level 1 Vowel Spellings (sold separately)
Reading and Writing Activities
This 221 page, photocopiable workbook has activities related to each of the stories in the Dandelion Readers, Level 1, Vowel Spellings set of books. Each chapter presents one vowel team for a vowel sound. Workbook activities cover the five elements of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.